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Scoobert Doobert


Scoobert Doobert

“Like the majestic poinsettia, I (Scoobert Doobert) was birthed from the sandy soil of Encinitas, California. It’s a rad little beach town in San Diego, most famous for its great surf and fringe-religious communities. One of our main beaches, Swami’s, is named after Guru Paramahansa Yogananda. His mediation garden is pretty dope.” Praised as an “Indie Pop Treasure”-by Last Day Deaf, Scoob continues spreading the vibes and gaining new space citizens in the Scooberverse. Freshly signed to Beformer records NYC/MIAMI, Scoob is making waves in the indie-pop scene, and then surfing those waves into all our hearts. His visual album “A Little Hug” is out now for your viewing pleasure, best accompanied by everyone’s post 2020 bestie, your bong.